Sunday, September 30, 2007

Casse-cou comme maman!!!

Woin bien Meghan ressemble beaucoup à son papa, mais chose certaine...elle va retenir de sa maman pour ses plans de Casse-cou!!! On ne peut pas la laisser 2 secondes, car elle est debout sur quelque chose...n'importe quoi qu'elle peut trouver!!!

Tout de suite après que j'aie dit: Heille, qu'est ce que tu fais là?!!!

Encore debout!!! Une chance qu'on a du tapis!!!Les deux pieds sur le banc; debout sur le jouet...y'en a pas de problème! Hein Meghan!!!?

1 comment:

Roman Fallet said...


I`m glad to hear from you! Australia is wonderful! The last 2 days we were on a boat at the outer great barrier reef and we did several scuba-dives!!!!

What? Meghan is already talking (except ohoh)!? She learns very fast!!!

Your new swiss student must also be in global village school? I`m very excited! Could you ask him, what the guys name is, which is talking about me!? :-)

Message for Ben (Sab, you can`t see this :-)) : Ben, I think you asked about Anne-Sophie? I have her number and we wrote us several short messages. As a result, when I`m back in Switzerland we will meet us and hopefully....... By the way In Las Vegas I got a country-point for Sweden!!! :-))

Now we are going to start our Australien-Trip. Tomorrow we will pick up our car and drive down the east coast all the way to Adelaide!

Hope to hear from you an miss you too!!!
